We are pleased to announce the level of jumping at the “Golden Nutrition 🍎 to reach the ideal weight” forum.

Let's dream and achieve 🇸🇦
The Scientific Forum group has been allocated and we aim to provide the latest scientific information in the field of sports nutrition

 In order to reach your goal in the ideal goal 👌🏻

We will be with you for a while
📅September 28-29, 2023

Presented by 🎙️ an elite group of the best lecturers
Dr.. Osama Mahran
Dr.. Muhammad Al-Nahhas

⏰6 hours DJ

You will learn about the detection with us

💫 Calculating thermal spices

💫Methods and techniques for measuring body components.

💫How to maintain cramps during weight loss

💫I prefer bulkiness, cramping and weight

💫Essential nutritional supplements for every athlete

💫 The appropriate nutritional plan for each type of fat distribution in the body

All this and more for free 🔥

📜In addition, there will be a free certificate of attendance at the end of the forum provided by the Fitness Pioneers Academy.