I adore the field of sports and diet, and for a long time, I have been researching, researching, reading, reading, and going through several experiences..in search of a goal within me, and my ambition is great to reach a dream in my mind and mind. He was right..and the years passed and with many messes and mistakes with the wrong diet and exercise..every time I went back to the weight that did not satisfy me at all..and I developed diabetes and joint pain and a knee injury that ruptured its ligaments and lacerated the bone and cartilage, and I resorted to an operation..and I was trying hard to exercise In clubs and free exercises.. all according to my ability, knowledge, and research behind the correct science until I registered for courses with Fitness Pioneers.. and it was my true and correct start.
And I began to learn and learn, and the hope and dream became clear before my eyes, and I became eager to learn more. And I understood and knew what I had been searching for for years, and I learned how to exercise correctly and how to calculate my calories and my regimen..
The big shift was when I studied and took the personal trainer course..it was a big shift for me
I knew how to exercise personally and how to train the participants with me, whether in the club, as an assistant coach, or remotely.
Especially the anatomy, it added a lot to me with the fitness pioneers, with the best trainers and the best professors, and what they offered us, as well as many courses, including the comprehensive nutrition program.
And many courses in this field with the pioneers of fitness, including ..
Self-development and marketing course for the successful athlete.
Designing resistance training programs.
Secrets of muscle mass and squats.
Energy expenditure and weight control.
Sports Anatomy and Integrated Training Program.
Professional driving
Physical activity for the elderly.
Physiology of physical effort
Comprehensive sports training program.
⁃ Sports injuries course.
I benefited from many of the courses and programs that I attended with the Fitness Pioneers, along with a selection of the best professors. To deliver information, simple and smooth explanation, and valuable information.
And God willing, my passion for learning and knowledge has revealed to me many of the secrets of this field.