Ghada Abu Ela Ghada Abu Ela


Of course, my testimony about them is always wounded. If I thanked them from here, I wouldn't be able to express my gratitude to them.
They are the friends of my journey of success, by God the Great. I am among thI am Coach Ghada Abu El-Ela, a personal trainer for three years. The first year was without knowledge or study, and from the second year I joined the Fitness Pioneers Academy with honor.
Dr. Ziad and Captain Ihab were online with a group of lecturers
After that, we moved to the second phase of the training, and it was attended by Captain Nehme, Dr. Hala, and a brilliant elite of lecturers, doctors, and captains.
And the personal training was woven with all professionalism and arrangement, and after obtaining the training license, I became a personal training professional
I moved with my Fitness Pioneers Academy in the practical training course, my attendance at the hands of a brilliant group of doctors, captains and lecturers, unlimited giving in information
And I became more skilled and proficient in personal training and became a trainer for important personalities in my area
I took a course with Captain Ihab Abu El-Ela in the rehabilitation of the cruciate ligament, and thanks to God, many cases have changed with me, and operations scheduled for my clients have been excluded.
In order to increase empowerment and professionalism in training, my Fitness Pioneers Academy announces the course of the soccer specialist, and for the first time I attended lectures and training with Captain Ehab Abu El-Ela, so that personal training would be woven into my concept in an unparalleled way with a deep and new understanding of training for myself and my clients
I wish all the previous courses were my presence so that you would hear, see, experience and live the experience of practical training and hear the lecturer and see your colleagues in training with you and divide into beautiful teams and live the sweetest hours in which we forget the outside world and live it in the human bodyose who joined many courses, the most important of which is the personal trainer. It was the most enjoyable 3 months of my life. Indeed, each lecture was full of important information that is entrenched in our brain. Of course, thanks to the efforts of the fitness pioneers’ lecturers, because they were really keen on us. Sports in fitness pioneer courses Loss and thank you?