I advise every sports coach to all fitness pioneers programs approved and based on scientific foundations under the supervision of a distinguished academic and scientific staff.
Certified Personal Trainer Program - Level Four:
Now that you can call yourself a professional personal trainer, the certification gives you a sufficient degree of ability to create effective and safe training programs for individuals with a full understanding of your role as a personal trainer from the moment the trainee arrives until the end of the training program.
Musculoskeletal program:
Help you understand the fine details of muscle functions, and know the correct movements to target the muscle with the appropriate exercise safely and accurately, away from errors and injuries.
Stability exercises program:
As a professional coach you need stability exercises as a safe and foundational start, learning: Who needs it? Why ? And how to do it correctly.
Sports Injury Program:
Learn how to protect yourself from injuries, how to deal with recent injuries at the time of exercise, previous injuries, training the trainee at the time of injury, and when he should visit the doctor.
Comprehensive Nutrition Program:
As a professional personal trainer, you are only qualified to give general advice in the field of nutrition, and here comes the role of a comprehensive nutrition program that qualifies you to make nutritional tables with healthy individuals with an elaborate scientific methodology.