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أفضل دورات التدريب الرياضي المعتمدة

Praise and thanks be to God Almighty for his giving, grace, and success, who honored me with this course, especially the accreditation of the NCSF through the pioneers, and I send full expressions of praise, respect, and appreciation to the educational staff who presented this co... المزيد

أفضل دورات التدريب الرياضي المعتمدة

A pioneering academy that competes strongly in providing mathematical sciences, following up on continuous development in the mathematical field, a selection of the finest professors who are competent in explaining and simplifying various subjects, keen to provide quality science... المزيد

أفضل دورات التدريب الرياضي المعتمدة

I adore the field of sports and diet, and for a long time, I have been researching, researching, reading, reading, and going through several experiences..in search of a goal within me, and my ambition is great to reach a dream in my mind and mind. He was right..and the years pass... المزيد

أفضل دورات التدريب الرياضي المعتمدة

I am currently working as a personal trainer at Star Fitness Club, Khamis Mushait. The beginning of my sports career was with the Fitness Pioneers Academy, and I started with them with my first course, and it was in 2019, which is the strongest giants course. 1- Muscular Anatom... المزيد

أفضل دورات التدريب الرياضي المعتمدة

Nouf Halabi Personal trainer

The personal trainer course is a very wonderful and comprehensive course. I registered for the course and I have no background at all. I got very valuable and wonderful information. All of this is thanks to God, then the wonderful lecturers. Dr. Ziad is very wonderful and his exp... المزيد

أفضل دورات التدريب الرياضي المعتمدة

Somaya Abdullah trainer

I recommend to every sports coach all the Pioneers of Fitness programs that are accredited and based on scientific foundations, under the supervision of a distinguished academic and scientific staff. Certified Personal Trainer Program - Level 4:Now you can call yourself a profes... المزيد

أفضل دورات التدريب الرياضي المعتمدة

?was it a dream?My dream was to become a certified fitness and gymnastics trainer✌? Thank God, I achieved my goal with the Fitness Pioneers Academy, and I graduated from the personal trainer course with all its merits, with the best teachers, trainers, and wonderful lecturers. I... المزيد

أفضل دورات التدريب الرياضي المعتمدة

My personal trainer experience:In the beginning, frankly, I did not feel that I benefited from the course because I read a lot about sports and exercises, but in many things in the course I did not know their importance except from the course, especially in the physiological phys... المزيد