Hello, Hello, Peace be upon you. I am Coach Areej. I graduated from the personal trainer course in the best academy in the world, the Fitness Pioneers Academy. A parable from the reality of life on the explanation, they let the explanation prove your imagination, God willing. I loved the course and enjoyed it. It was true that it contained a lot of information, but it helped me more. They taught me how to become a personal trainer from A to Z in a beautiful and clear way, and every bit of information and advice that any trainer needs will find it in this course ,
Thank you, from my heart, to Prof. Dr. Ziyad Issa Zayed, Captain Ehab Abu El Ela, and all the doctors who explained. Thank you once, may God make you happy, and thank you to Coach Nima Othman, who was with us. And my beautiful teacher, Amal, may God make her happy, she was standing with us before the course started. I liked the personal trainer course a lot and benefited from it once. I entered a nutrition course with them, and it will not be the last two courses. God willing, I will adopt them again. Thank you to the Fitness Pioneers Academy team