Certified Sports Nutrition Program

Many know that sports and food are two sides of the same coin, as each affects the other greatly, so without proper nutrition you will not be able to be a successful athlete. The accredited nutrition program is a comprehensive specialized program that qualifies participants to understand the importance of nutrition for athletes, the relationship of nutrition to physical fitness, and the effect of different foods on athletic performance, such as fiber, vitamins, fats, and others. Calculating calories for athletes and the most important misinformation in the field of athlete nutrition and correcting them on a scientific basis.

In this program, we aim to rehabilitate you in a comprehensive and complete way and we want to graduate professional people who are able to enrich the field of sports nutrition, and thus this will be reflected on the community and its members will enjoy health and wellness.


The main themes of the program


• Nutrients - protein and carbohydrates - fats
• Nutrients - Vitamins - Minerals
• Physiological and energy expenditure
• Obesity and obesity treatment
• Thinness and the treatment of thinness
• Athlete Nutrition - Endurance - Strength
• Nutritional supplements
• Feeding children and young adults
• Feeding pregnant and breastfeeding women
Chronic disease nutrition
• Diet Programs


At the end of the program you will be able to


• You will be able to familiarize yourself with nutrients, minerals and vitamins
• How to calculate the energy expenditure and determine the appropriate calories
• Knowing the causes of obesity and how to treat it
• Knowing the causes of thinness and how to treat it
• Knowing the correct nutrition to gain or lose weight
• Nutrition for people with chronic diseases such as pressure, diabetes and others
• Appropriate nutrition for pregnant and lactating women
• Nutrition for athletes before and after exercise for endurance and strength sports
Types of diets and nutritional programs such as keto, intermittent fasting, and carbohydrate cycling
• Feeding children, whether for boys or girls

Program hours

This program consists of 60 credit hours


Lecturers have been selected at the highest level of scientific competence and professional experience

Dr. Ghadeer Al-Shamry

• Associate Professor of Nutrition at King Saud University
• Vice President of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition
• Nutrition Consultant

Dr. Hisham Joudeh

• Lecturer specializing in sports nutrition
• Clinical Nutritionist
• ISSA-CPT International Certified Trainer

Dr. Hossam Abdel-Aty

• Doctor of obesity and thinness, clinical nutrition and sports nutrition


The trainee receives a certificate accredited by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)